Is your life good but average
Let me take you on an adventure that will change your life AND the lives of others
Mission Projects
Grow Our Faith is improving the lives of children in Kenya, Uganda, and DR Congo

Our Impact centers are filled with people who are trying to learn skills that will aid them in starting a business of their own.
Can you teach:
*Perfume Making
*Other marketable skills

Whether building a classroom, bunkhouse, impact center or a kitchen, there is always a need for individuals who enjoy building.
Can you do:

Many of the communities we work in lack even basic healthcare. Holding a medical, dental, vision camp is a huge blessing to these people. In a place where families cannot afford an aspirin or a vitamin, bringing medicines and supplements can be life-changing.

Families need food. Whether you can help building harvest gardens, or work with animals, we need your skills to improve the food security of our communities.
Can you:
*Cut & Sew
*Prepare and move soil
*Build fences
*Weed a garden
*Select healthy breeding stock

Reproductive Health
In the modern world, having a period is a minor inconvenience. Imagine the tragedy of not having a sanitary pad though. Young women often miss school or exchange unprotected sex for sanitary pads. These vulnerable girls usually end up dropping our of school because they miss so much school or an unplanned pregnancy.
Can you:
*Teach sexual hygiene
*Teach rape prevention
*Teach about STDs

One of the biggest hindrances to improving the lives of vulnerable children is a lack of funds. We are constantly searching for partners who will commit their time and energy to reaching out to friends and family to help us raise funds for specific projects.
Can you:
*Ask someone for $10
* Have a no-bake sale
*Host a Video Party
*Set up a GoFundMe
There are many ways you can help us raise the money we need to continue our mission. And many missions that require funding.